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11 Dec 2014


New JRC 3D Reconstructor 3.0 !

NEW JRC 3D Reconstructor 3.0 !

1. Revolutionary LineUp® Pro tool

Automatic alignment of large scan dataset without targets and information about scans positions.

Look how easy and fast is to automatically align more than 60 scans of the San Marco square in Venice.

2. New interface

  • completely redesigned
  • easier to learn
  • for a more efficient work
  • more pleasant to be used

3. Special Editions improvements

  • Faro® raw data can be directly colored during the JRC 3D Reconstructor® importing phase
  • Optech® Parser directly linked to LineUp®
  • Stonex® projects imported with full resolution internal cameras linked to each reference scan
  • Z+F® and Riegl® projects rapidly importable with drag&drop
  • Z+F® spherical images imported at full resolution projectors and linked to each reference scan

4. New FORENSIC package

with a perfect balancing between automation and user control.

...all this and more in JRC 3D Reconstructor 3.0 !

                       What's new?                      

     Demo download of new release !     

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Please, contact the Gexcel Sales Team for any technical and commercial request

9 Oct 2014


PRESS RELEASE — New Gexcel 4D INSPECTOR® for automatic 3D measurement and inspection of buildings and infrastructures

9th October, 2014, Berlin, INTERGEO — At INTERGEO, Gexcel has announced the new 4D INSPECTOR®: the perfect solution to automatically monitor possible deformations and get results in real time.

  What for?  

  • For automatic 3D inspection of buildings, tunnels, industrial plants, complex structures, etc.
  • For surveying and monitoring large construction sites, big infrastructures, also when frequent 3D surveys are needed
  1. Several static laser scanners, located in different positions, can be fully controlled by a remote control unit
  2. The operator can schedule a scanning agenda and 4D INSPECTOR® automatically drives the scanners located in the surveying site
  3. The data are downloaded, directly via Ethernet, to the 4D INSPECTOR® control unit
  4. In real time, the 4D INSPECTOR® evaluates and visualizes the deformations obtained from a comparison between the scans and the reference model
  • The scanners can be mounted inside a safety enclosure (Scan Armor®) and protected by direct damages
  • All the point clouds used to check the deformation are stored in the control unit and can be used for detailed data analysis
  • 4D INSPECTOR® actually works with Faro and Z+F static laser scanner

4D INSPECTOR® was created in the Gexcel's research laboratories located in the Polaris Technology Park of Sardegna Ricerche (Pula, Sardinia – Italy).

4D INSPECTOR®: Project Creation

4D INSPECTOR®: Real Time Results

3 Oct 2014


PRESS RELEASE — Gexcel announces the new LineUp® Pro tool based on the exclusive Gexcel AutoScanRegistration® technology

3rd October, 2014, Brescia (Italy) — Gexcel Srl (software and solutions provider in the Geomatics sectors) announces the release of the new LineUp® Pro based on the exclusive Gexcel AutoScanRegistration® technology.

The AutoScanRegistration® technology allows the automatic alignment of series of scans that have at least  a 20% overlap. With the AutoScanRegistration® approach, it gets very easy to align scans without targets (i.e. when it is difficult or impossible to take on field target positioning).

  LineUp® Pro  
Import your overlapped scans and run the AutoScanRegistration® algorithm! 
Several tests have shown an incredible high level of convergence.

  • Installed on JRC 3D Reconstructor® FORENSIC new package
  • Installed on PointR3 2.0 new version
  • All the features of the LineUp® included
  • The unique Automatic Alignment Target-Free included

  • Installed on JRC 3D Reconstructor® 3.0 new versions
  • Installed on PointR3 2.0 new version
  • Perfect to manage all the alignment procedures: point clouds importing and filtering, automatic target detection, geo-referencing, scans alignment per groups, cloud to cloud best fitting alignment, bundle adjustment.

  To know more, come and visit us at Intergeo Berlin (Booth C4.001 | All 4.1) !  

Figure 1: Scans to be aligned

Figure 2: Scans automatically aligned

Published on:

27 Aug 2014


PRESS RELEASE — Workshop on Gexcel's Forensic Technologies by Gexcel and Geosystem Ing S.A.S. (Bogota | 26th-28th August, 2014)

27th August, 2014, Bogota (Colombia) — Great success for the "Workshop on Gexcel's Forensic Technologies" that is being held these days in Bogota.
Gexcel and Geosystem Ing. are very proud of the great interest of the South American market about the Gexcel’s 3D documentation technologies.

27 Jun 2014


PRESS RELEASE — Tecnologie sarde commercializzate con successo in Giappone da Gexcel e dalla sua consociata SGS (Sooki Gexcel Solution)

27 Giugno, 2014, Cagliari (Italy) — Gexcel, società sarda localizzata presso il Parco Tecnologico Polaris e presente a SINNOVA 2014, in collaborazione con l’azienda giapponese Sooki, la SGS (Sooki – Gexcel – Solution), apre aziende con sede ad Osaka. 
Obiettivo della partnership è fornire al mercato giapponese soluzioni di eccellenza nel campo delle tecnologie di acquisizione e trattamento dei rilievi tridimensionali in campo industriale, dell’ingegneria civile e dei beni culturali.

Mentre Gexcel si presenta in Sardegna tramite la vetrina di SINNOVA 2014, a Tokyo (Giappone) Sooki e Gexcel sono presenti con uno stand presso la 22^ edizione della 3D & Virtual Reality Expo.

Tra le soluzioni innovative presentate sia in Giappone che, in contemporanea, a Cagliari sono la piattaforma OPMMS (Open Pit Mine Monitoring System) e il sistema di protezione Scan Armor per sensori laser scanner. 
Entrambe le soluzioni hardware e software, ad elevato contenuto tecnologico, vedono il loro sviluppo grazie ai finanziamenti ricevuti tramite l’azione POR FESR di Regione Sardegna – Sardegna Ricerche finalizzata a supportare lo sviluppo imprenditoriale e tecnologico delle aziende innovative presenti sul territorio sardo.

OPMMS: Tecniche avanzate per il monitoraggio del territorio

La soluzione OPMMS è in grado di effettuare monitoraggi in tempo reale in cave a cielo aperto e in frane/smottamenti. Un sensore è in grado di effettuare misurazioni tridimensionali del territorio (vedi figura 1), osservare le zone a rischio e avvertire gli operai di una certa zona, con segnali sonori, visuali o tramite messaggistica, se vengono registrati spostamenti al di sopra di una certa soglia. Queste soluzioni sono già installate in grandi cave a cielo aperto del Sud Africa e del Sud America, ma numerose sono le richieste e grande l’interesse del mercato internazionale.

Figura 1_Il sistema OPMMS è in grado di osservare ampie zone di territorio e di fornire in tempo reale il valore degli spostamenti e segnalare via email, SMS o con segnali sonori e visivi l’innesco di tali movimenti. Grande successo in applicazioni di sicurezza del lavoro e di monitoraggio di frane e smottamenti da parte della Protezione Civile

Gexcel ha sviluppato delle tecnologie innovative in grado di monitorare in tempo reale  i movimenti e gli spostamenti di grandi strutture, ponti, viadotti, strutture verticali (come grattacieli e torri), piuttosto che monumenti ed edifici storici.

Gexcel è stata chiamata ad effettuare il terzo e ultimo livello di certificazione delle geometrie costruttive (verticalità, schiacciamenti nel tempo, ecc.) dei più alti grattacieli d’Italia, quali la Torre Isozaki e il complesso di grattacieli del palazzo Unicredit di Milano. La scalabilità delle tecnologie impiegate e sviluppate da Gexcel rende accessibile ed economicamente sostenibili le attività di controllo delle deformazioni di strutture, anche in casistiche dove è necessario mantenere il monitoraggio delle strutture, ma dove le risorse disponibili sono limitate e devono essere sfruttate. 

Il gruppo di grattacieli Unicredit monitorato da Gexcel

Gexcel è una società nata nel 2007 come Spin Off Universitaria e dal 2013 localizzata presso il Parco Tecnologico Polaris di Sardegna Ricerche. Il fatturato di Gexcel è per l’80% rivolto all’estero e stretta è la collaborazione con il gruppo Vic (Visual Computing Group) del CRS4.

26 Jun 2014


PRESS RELEASE — Gexcel and Sooki at the 22nd 3D & Virtual Reality Expo (Tokyo | June, 25th - 27th)

26th June, 2014, Tokyo (Japan) — After the truly satisfying experience at SPAR JAPAN 2014 (Kawasaki), now Sooki and Gexcel are now attending the 22nd 3D & Virtual Reality Expo (Tokyo | June, 25th - 27th | Booth: East 4-35 IVR), where they are presenting the Scan Armor system, the JRC 3D Reconstructor® and the PointR3 software packages.


PRESS RELEASE — Gexcel and Sooki on the Japanese market with the new Scan Armor: interview to Mr. Sadaoka Toshiaki

26th June, 2014, Tokyo (Japan) — Mr. Sadaoka Toshiaki  (sales manager of Sooki company - Japanese partner of Gexcel) answers to some questions about the laser scanning Japanese market and their efforts to satisfy the customer needs through the Gexcel's software solutions.
After the truly satisfying experience at SPAR JAPAN 2014 (Kawasaki), now Sooki and Gexcel are now attending the 22nd 3D & Virtual Reality Expo (Tokyo | June, 25th - 27th | Booth: East 4-35 IVR), where they are presenting the Scan Armor system, the JRC 3D Reconstructor® and the PointR3 software packages.
Gexcel is very proud to have been introduced in this interesting market through a such a solid and reliable company.

Gexcel and Sooki have defined a strong collaboration to provide 3D surveying solutions into the Japanese market. Why this strong collaboration?
Sooki started the 3D survey activity in the 2007. At this time, our customers wanted to make 3D laser scanner survey without targets in plant industry field. Furthermore, our customers required smooth registry from wide area data into one data, so the JRC 3D Reconstructor® software is the best solution for us towards the needs from such customers.
Sooki has been keeping the name of JRC 3D Reconstructor® for these 7 years, in our company only, not opening the software name to our customers, just only using it directly for the company survey activities. Last October 2013, Sooki decided to open the name and the sales of JRC 3D Reconstructor®. Consequently, Sooki concluded a sales representative agreement with Gexcel.

Sooki and Gexcel have been attended at SPAR J 2014 (Japan). Which is your feedback after this meeting?
At SPAR J 2014 Sooki presented how to make 3D survey without targets, mainly for surveying the old traditional museum in Osaka. The survey has been done by the permission of the Municipal Authorities who gave the right also to create a movie of the site.
Sooki is fully involved also in plants survey but, we could not show the results due to a strict confidential agreement.
After the three technical sessions we had at SPAR J 2014, many customers visited our booth, in order to discover something more about our software solution, especially about the registration without targets. In reply to costumers requirements, who want to know how to use JRC Reconstructor® and PointR3, Sooki is going to set some dedicated seminars in the Company Tokyo offices.

How do you feel about the Japanese market of 3D laser scanning and imaging techniques in the near future?
In the past, customers only received and saw the data from the surveyors. Recently, customers want to manage the data by themselves based on their own request that arises after receiving 3D survey data from surveyors. I feel the tendency of interests of 3D laser scanner customers is towards how to treat the data.

What are the feedback on the market about the JRC Reconstructor® and PointR3 software solutions?
Once again, the strategic point of JRC 3D Reconstructor® for the Japanese market is the possibility to make 3D survey without targets. It is one of the most important features, along with the Inspection tool that enables to compare models acquired in different time to define detection areas, speeding up the survey activity... and speed means that the survey cost is very low.
Recently, most customers hope to manage their data by themselves. After receiving the data from surveyors, when other requirements happen, PointR3 is the good solution, because, it is capable of treating the data in accordance with their requests and it is capable of dropping the data into the CAD files.
Sooki will show all of these processes at the seminar in Sooki Tokyo Office.

What is the market answer to the presentation of the "Scan Armor for Focus3D remote control" industrial solution?
In Japan, there is not a solution like the Gexcel Scan Armor. We received many requests for the Gexcel Scan Armor, in particular for Stockpile applications. We hope to make presentation together with the customer who will be able to announce their result at the next SPAR J 2015.

About Sooki
Started rental business of measuring devices for construction industries in 1988, in few years started measuring service for tunnelling and road. In 2007 started 3D survey business.
For more information please contact:
Sadaoka Toshiaki  |  Sales Manager  |  Sooki  |  |  |  (+81) 090-3974-2618

*  *  *  *

Here the Scan Armor video and some pictures of Sooki & Gexcel at the 22nd 3D & Virtual Reality Expo

13 Jun 2014


NEW JRC 3D Reconstructor 2.9.2 !

NEW JRC 3D Reconstructor 2.9.2 !

                                         What's new?                                         

1. Faster filtering and pre-processing
  • Twice faster data filtering and pre-processing

2. Smaller project file
  • Much smaller project file dimension 
  • Tool for already existing project file size reduction

3. Parallax effect correction tool for external camera images
  • manage and correct the parallax effects for external cameras images
  • manage the different positions between camera and laser scanner

4. Import 3D survey data from UAVs

  • importing tool for point clouds and meshes from UAVs
  • scale and reference meshes and point clouds according to lidar data
  • merge UAVs 3D surveyed data (point clouds/meshes) with point clouds, 3D models and oriented images in JRC 3D Reconstructor
  • new PixR3 (from images/UAV data to 3D)

 What about the new Scan Armor 1.2 ? 

At the SPAR Japan 2014 Conference (Tokyo, June 4th - 5th) Gexcel and its partner Sooki presented the new Scan Armor 1.2 to remotely control the Focus3D X330. Interesting applications for Indoor Stock Pile measurements... Learn more

10 Jun 2014


PRESS RELEASE — The new Gexcel Open Pit Mine Monitoring System (OPMMS) at the Optech's 7th International Terrestrial Laser Scanning User meeting (Rome, 12-13 June)

10th June, 2014, Rome, Italy_Gexcel Srl, at the Optech's 7th International Terrestrial Laser Scanning User Meeting (Rome, 12-13 June), will announce the upcoming of a new release of the Gexcel Open Pit Mine Monitoring System (OPMMS) for the Optech ILRIS Terrestrial Laser Scanner. The already well known solution to track mine safety hazards, measure production and manage landslides is now enriched by a series of accessories and optional tools to make as easy as possible the installation and to increase the productivity of the OPMMS system.

“When we have launched the solution to the market, in October 2013, we could not expect to register such a high level of interest from worldwide customers. The market is looking for solutions able to satisfy the growing need of safety in open pit mines and the OPMMS solution answers to this request” said Massimo Gelmini, responsible engineer of the OPMMS development project.

The creation of the OPMMS solution has been possible thanks to the expertise of Gexcel in software development (particularly the worldwide well known software JRC 3DReconstructor®) along with the powerful surveying instrument as the Optech ILRIS Terrestrial Laser Scanner.
Now the OPMMS solution becomes more interesting thanks to the accessories as the ILRIS Scan Armor Protective Enclosure; the Web based connection for local and remote control; the independent power supply system; the video surveillance for instruments security. See more in the OPMMS brochure

The Gexcel Open Pit Mine Monitoring System for ILRIS Terrestrial Laser Scanner will be presented by Matteo Sgrenzaroli and Dave Beattie at the Optech's 7th International Terrestrial Laser Scanning User Meeting in Rome the 12th of June at 11.40 am (more information on the UGM Agenda).

About Optech Inc.
Optech Inc. is the world leader in the development, manufacture and support of advanced lidar and camera survey instruments. With worldwide operations and staff, Optech offers both standalone and fully integrated lidar and camera solutions in airborne mapping, airborne lidar bathymetry, mobile mapping, terrestrial laser scanning, mine cavity monitoring and industrial process control, as well as space-proven sensors.

About Gexcel Srl
Gexcel Srl has a rich history spanning more than 10 years of proven fully featured lidar and imagery analysis software packages with the JRC 3D Reconstructor®, completely compatible with all terrestrial, mobile and airborne scanners from manufacturers such as Faro, Leica, MDL, Optech, Riegl, Stonex, Topcon, Trimble and Z+F. Gexcel Srl was established in 2007 from the academic know-how of the University of Brescia and the applied research achievements of the European Joint Research Centre (JRC), located in Ispra (Italy). Gexcel Srl is proud to support all major standard formats such as the ASTM E57 and LAS.

Published on

4 Jun 2014


PRESS RELEASE — The new Scan Armor 1.2 for Focus3D at SPAR JAPAN, by Gexcel and Sooki

4th June, 2014, Kawasaki, Japan_Gexcel, with its Japanese partner Sooki, is presenting at SPAR Japan 2014 the new Scan Armor 1.2 Automated Protective Scanner Enclosure, fully compatible with the Focus3D X330.
The new version of the Scan Armor for Focus3D is characterized by a new Siemens electronic control and by a touch screen to locally drive all the functionalities of the Scan Armor.

Sooki is one of the biggest actors in the surveying market in Japan, thanks to the capability to satisfy the surveying instruments rental services needs in all the country.

The Scan Armor Automated Protective Scanner Enclosure is commonly used for fixed laser scanner installation, when frequently measurements are requested as for stock piles volumes measurements and production control.

Particularly useful also in industrial applications where the laser scanner has to be protected by low and high temperatures, or when the aggressive industrial environment suggests to avoid long term on field presence by human surveyors.

Several Scan Armors can be controlled in the same time via Ethernet by the Sensor Control software (Se.Co.). 
If the “first installation calibration procedure” has been carried on, the data automatically downloaded into the Remote Control Unit can be aligned in JRC 3D Reconstructor® in real time, for data analysis as volumes evaluation or deformations control.

Thanks to the Sooki and Gexcel agreement and to the increasing success of JRC 3D Reconstructor® on the Japanese laser scanner market, from June 2014 JRC 3D Reconstructor® supports the Japanese language too.

Published on:

7 May 2014


Z+F Italy & Gexcel_3D Laser Scanner. Applications for Architecture and Restoration

Z+F Italy e Gexcel, in collaborazione con Microgeo, organizzano una giornata dal titolo “Laser Scanner 3D. Applicazioni per l’Architettura e il Restauro” per presentare lo stato dell’arte della tecnologia laser scanner 3D quale valido supporto alla progettazione ed al restauro, attraverso un approfondimento sulle strumentazioni e l’analisi di alcuni casi studio da parte di professionisti esperti del settore che presenteranno alcuni lavori, analizzandone tutte le fasi operative: dall'acquiiszione in situ all'elaborazione dei dati.

Durante la giornata saranno mostrati:
- il nuovo Z+F IMAGER 5010C (con dimostrazione sul campo in cui i professionisti potranno partecipare attivamente)
- i software JRC 3D Reconstructor Heritage/Architectural e PointR3 per l’elaborazione dati.

L'evento si terrà a Brescia (c/o CSMT - Via Branze 45) il 21 Maggio 2014
Per effettuare la registrazione gratuita: visitare la pagina web dedicata
Per maggiori informazioni: contattare l'arch. Giorgia Rossi (International Sales Manager di Gexcel) scrivendo a
Scarica la locandina con il programma dell'evento

L’eccezionale soluzione software per gli utilzzatori lidar, per facilitare e sveltire le operazioni di rilievo ed elaborazione dei dati per il mondo del restauro e della conservazione acrhitettonica. Permette la georeferenziazione con punti da stazione totale, il filtraggio e l'editing delle scansioni, la creazione di modelli 3D con texture ad alta risoluzioneEstrae automaticamente sezioni, ortofoto, sviluppi di superfici curve quali volte, cupole e colonne, permette di calcolare aree e creare tour virtuali del modello 3D ed è ottimale per la simulazione di piani del colore o simulazione degli interventi sulle superfici. Permette di fare analisi qualitative circa eventuali fuori piombo delle facciate o deformazioni delle strutture orizzontali. In modo semplice esporta direttamente in CAD, polilinee ed immagini, o in altri software di modellazione 3D. 
Il rivoluzionario software per gestire e visualizzare in modo semplice dati 3D senza limiti e grandi data set di nuvole di punti 3D provenienti da dati lidar, sensori 3D e fotogrammetria.  
È dotato dello speciale tool Solid Image per creare immagini con informazione di profondità da importare direttamente in CAD (grazie al gexcel CADPlug-in) per il ridisegno con polilinee 3D.

* * * English * * *

Z+F Italy and Gexcel, in collaboration with Microgeo, organize an event titled "3D Laser Scanner. Applications for Architecture and Restoration" to show how the 3D laser scanner supports design and restoration fields.
Some professionals will present detailed case studies, analyzing all the phases of the work. 
Moreover, will be shown: 
- The new Z+F IMAGER 5010C (with proof in the field and active participation)
- The JRC 3D Reconstructor Heritage/Architectural and PointR3 software for data processing.

The event will be held in Brescia, Italy (c/o CSMT - Via Branze 45) on May 2014,  21st 

JRC 3D Reconstructor Heritage/Architectural is the worldwide outstanding software solution for Cultural Heritage lidar survey. Main features: geo-referencing with total station points, filtering, editing and meshing, texture mapping 3D models with high resolution external images, cross sectionsorthophotos, plantsareasfly-through videos, façade color simulations, export to CAD or to 3D modelling software  (3DStudioMax, Rhinoceros, Cinema 4D, etc.).

PointR3 revolutionary and very easy software to manage and display 3D data and large dataset of 3D point clouds from LIDAR data, 3D sensors and photogrammetry. Special Solid Images tool to create images with depth information ready to be directly export to CAD (throught gexcel CAD Plug-in) and re-drawn with 3D polylines.